Emails; Are they relevant or obsolete?

Emails are Obsolete...

It comes to no surprise that email is becoming more and more obsolete as new modes of communication come into play, especially for the younger generation. According to a report from App Annie, email is slowly dying among the world’s 13-24 year olds. They spend more than 3.5 times overall usage time in messaging apps than those over 45 years old, while the older users still use apps that replicate desktop functions, such as web browsers or email.

For people who did not grow up with a smart device, there is a greater trend to use the device as if it were a small personal computer. Those who are 45 or older spend a greater amount of time in the top 5 mobile web browsers, rather than the apps themselves. Furthermore, they also spend more time in the email apps than the messaging apps. It is apparent in the studies that older users are more likely to use apps for traditional services.

With the dramatic shift to a mobile-centric culture, and as the millennials grow into adults, the importance and need for the messaging apps will only increase. That is why large companies such a Facebook are working hard to make its messaging apps more than just an alternative to texting. They are starting to integrate business-to-consumer communications, e-commerce and product discovery, even virtual assistance. Only time will tell if these trends will continue.


Emails are Relevant...

Email has been one of the most consistently used modes of communication for generations now. In fact, it was one of the first internet marketing tools. Before social media and personal websites to help marketers reach their target audience, there was email. Many pieces of technology have come and gone, but email has thrived through it all. According to a recent study, email still remains a relevant force in marketing, even when reaching younger audiences.

According to the study, about 70% of teens and millennials said they prefer to receive communication from businesses via email, and a lot of them still depend on email for online shopping. This is odd considering it has been widely assumed that email would become obsolete among the younger generations because they weren’t going to use it. It turns out the opposite is true; email continues to be relevant and is a part of everyday life across all age demographics.

Not only that, but email is keeping up with its competition by being readily available wherever its users go. It retains its relevancy by being usable across several devices. It is more often also that higher concentrations of Millennials check their email via their mobile devices. In addition, websites and online stores still require an email to login and use the site.

It seems that email will remain relevant for consumers and marketers for a long time. As long as there are users on the internet, there will be email.  However, it is wise for marketers to keep up on trends and the best practices for appealing to younger audiences.


What do you think? Have emails truly become obsolete, or are they as relevant today as they were before?